2015年4月14日 星期二

Skype class - Dessert in America

Everyone likes food especially dessert.
Today Zoie tries to teach students about what different with America and Taiwan.
They having fun!

cake 蛋糕
pie 派
cookies 餅乾
brownies 布郎尼
fruit 水果
pudding / mouse 布丁 / 慕斯
drinks 飲料
-hot chocolate

2015年4月2日 星期四

Easter - Fitzroy Park

Nice weather, nice day!
Let's celebrate Children's Day.
Let's play Easter eggs Hunt.
Let's go!
We have so much fun!

Voc :

The Easter Holiday 復活節
Spring 春天
Easter Eggs 復活節彩蛋
Easter Bunny 復活節兔子
Easter Basket 復活節彩藍
Easter Egg Hunt 藏復活節彩蛋
Easter Egg Roll 滾復活節彩蛋
Lily 百合花
gift 禮物
chocolate 巧克力
jellybeans 彩色豆
candy 糖果